The investigators for the High School 2 Health Care (HS2HC) SEPA grant have conducted outreach activities in the community and outside of the state of Tennessee as well. Please feel free to view our report.
Outreach Activities: 2023 Report
Coon Creek Event.
The UT Martin Selmer Center Coon Creek STEM Science Camp on July 13th. Dr. Keisha Burnett, Instructor, Master of Cytopathology Practice program at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, (with the assistance of Chelsea Peeler,) guided students through the staining and cell collection procedure. Dr. Burnett provided high-end microscopes to allow students to observe their cheek cells under a microscope. Dr. Taylor, A SEPA PI and Education Coordinator, contributed to the camp by presenting a problem-based learning (PBL) scenario on Yellow Fever.